Wednesday, June 19, 2024

True Friends Are Hard To Find

 "In a world of lies you are the truth...",as the lyrics of a particular song says; truly this is not only applicable to lovers but to all entirety and particularly on this post about friends.

What Are Friends Really?

- Friends are your lovers but not exactly a spouse or a romantic partner.This person or these people makes you felt loved and valued and protected,but what if some are fake?

Fake friends hang-out with you but only on good times but when the times get bad and love and good is demanded and solicitated they are missing and unreachable. They suddenly disappear in the entire picture nowhere to be found.

Fake friends when going gets bad become :

(1) unsearchable

(2) unreachable

(3) invisible

(4) unknowable

(5) amnesiac

(6) defensive

(7) sarcastically ironic

(8) insensitively apathetic

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